In Memory…
Now, I don’t want to be morbid with all this, as we all have a different take on the year that 2022 was. But for me, it was a year of many deaths.
The first was in January, when a fond friend from my young adult years sadly died. Then March, Taylor Hawkins the drummer from the Foo Fighters, I had seen him perform only threes weeks prior in Geelong. That concert was surreal. It was strange being amongst people and adapting to the clutches of covid restrictions, that were easy Australia and worldwide. My uncle mid-year and then my dad later in the year.
The passing of Oliver Newton John, provoked a childhood friend to make contact via socials after decades of not having contact. It was an entertaining reconnection with flashbacks to our childhood antics in the late ‘70’s. The death of Queen Elizabeth II, saw many countries dedicate a holiday or a moment of silence out of respect for her service and longevity of her reign.
By the end of the year, I was able to count on both hands a number of people that had died in 2022.
A rescheduled covid holiday with friends sailing the Whitsundays, had us meet a lovely young woman from America. She was nurse and enjoying three weeks on the East coast of Australia, after a gruelling year of working amongst the demands of covid. After one of our snorkels on the outer reef, as we scampered back on board, she took off with the caption to a location over the reef. We watched on curiously and then a whisper amongst us, informed us she was throwing some of her dads ashes. Supportive hugs were shared when she came back onboard.
On that trip I was phoning dad daily, as he was in hospital. Before I sailed out, I asked if he wanted to see a photo of the yacht. “yeah’ was his reply. More photos were to follow of us we donned the wetsuit and smiles for a dive or snorkel. His response “oh, I wish I was there”. From that come feelings of fondness and gratitude. It was dad who introduce me to the ocean with boats, fishing, diving, wakeboarding and encouraged my surfing and snorkelling.
I still reflect on those three men that were a fond part of my life, that all passed in 2022. Through the process of bereavement sometimes taking a little outside support maybe required.
Here are two support services that have been brought to my attention, that may be of benefit to you or someone you know:
Hope Bereavement Care – a not-for-profit organisation based in Geelong offering free information, support and counselling when Grieving the death of a baby or child, Grieving the death of an adult and Grieving after suicide.
Healing Carers – Get the support, information & care you need whilst and after caring for a loved one
Early in the year listening to a random podcast, I heard Ben Crowe mention that when he has to give a public speech, he internally gives a thought and dedicates the speech to his mate who passed away. Currently, my dedication to dad is a daily thought. But I’m sure when I go on my next holiday, he will enter my mind and I will give dedication and gratitude to him. As I will be doing something that he has enhanced within me.